20 September 2012

Alexi Bullock Design Feature

if there was one thing i wish i was better at it would be design. 
i have told you before, i am good at replicating, not so much creating.
i have fine ideas, but nothing ever seems to work out without a little help from someone else.
i am definitely working on creating things, but graphic design isn't my specialty.
want to know who's specialty it is?

i dig her work and her experiences are sweet as.
plus, she knows martha...you know, THE martha.
here is a little bit from alexi...

Graphic design is in me. My favorite designer said it best when he said "Everything is Design is Everything." Wise man. So my blog includes my thoughts on inspiration, DIY, travel, food, health and relationships all from the perspective of a graphic designer. Follow my blog as we talk about all of these things, collectively, and figure out how to live rich, fulfilling, happy, healthy, inspired lives. 

This summer, I was an intern at Martha Stewart, so some of my posts are about that experience and I'd like to share one of those with you right now!

Martha Stewart is pretty old. How old? Well, when I was there in August she turned seventy-one. Wait, what? 71, you heard right! When I tell people this number they are usually stunned! Martha Stewart is in charge of an empire of thousands of employees, and she's the age of my grandma! It's pretty remarkable how she can run such a successful company at that age. And do you want to know why this is the case? Here it is:

She became "Martha Stewart" when she was 40.

THAT'S when she got her big break. She wasn't in her twenties, or in her low thirties. No. She was 40 years old when she published her first book, Entertaining, and that's when her career started to explode. The best advice I got from Martha Stewart was this: you are never too old to start. Martha (she told us to call her by her first name) became REAL to me when she told us that advice during a lunch with her and all the interns. Martha, before she was Martha, was a normal person with a catering business. She loved what she did, wrote a book about it, and BOOM. Now she's a huge business woman, an author, a magazine publisher, a television personality, and has a huge line of products all named after her. 

Remember that advice: you are never too old to start. Especially remember it when you feel like the opposite is true, that you ARE too old, or that you're too poor, or too scared, or too (fill in the blank). Martha Stewart followed her dreams, and so can you!!

The next question I get about hearing that Martha is 71 years old is this: how could someone be so old and look so GOOD? Well, it just so happens, that I know a few of her beauty and health secrets! It's true!! So make sure to head over to my blog and follow it so you can hear her secrets! I'll be posting about it in a few days!

*want to win some loot from alexi?
we will be hosting a giveaway soon.
get ready!*  

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