April showers, bring some flipping heavy snow. Our trip to Colorado started off awesome! The kids slept for a long time and baby Belle didn't make a peep the whole trip. Mamie was in the back with Halle and Belle and I sat in the buckets with Luke and Ty sat up in front with Natalie. We had so much fun watching Natalie try and sing the lyrics to songs she really likes and checking herself out in the rear view. Plus, Mamie seriously was making me laugh so hard. She says the nuttiest things. Oh man!! Our trip came to a sudden hault in Vail when the roads turned into a total death trap.

I am not the biggest fan of spring snowstorms. Oh brother. Talk about carrying stress in my back! We seriously wished we had flown. Cars were slidding all over the place. There was a huge wreck and even the chained rigs were slidding backwards. I was so worried. It was crazy because we wanted to stop and help the cars that were stuck so bad, but if we did then we would get stuck too. There was a lot of spiritual applications. As we drove by Mamie yells, "We only have enough oil for us to see the bridegroom." And that is how it felt. We had to take care of our family and prepare enough for us. That seems very selfish I know, but that is kind of the plan. We can't get "spiritually stuck". So instead of getting stuck, we prayed really hard for the other cars to make it. There was one car that every time he pressed on the gas he would slide closer and closer to the wall and we just kept shouting, "Look out!" "Be careful." We don't really know what happened, but we got home safe and sound. I am so thankful.
Now on to more exciting news...We had a blast our first day in Colorado. Lots of preparation for some upcoming fall events. Before we left Mamie and Halle got a sneak peek of a little bit of my excitement...
We are making tutus for a certain wedding that I am not supposed to talk about because it isn't quite official yet. BUT...it has been given the OK for planning and preparing. I am more than thrilled. My Dad kept coming in and saying,"I don't know why the flip we are making tutus when he hasn't even asked the big dog for permission yet." He has a really great relationship with Blake so it is fun for them to joke around. The tutus turned out so cute and the girls love love love them. The older girls are wearing these really cute black skirts that Jenn found for Maya at Children's Place. We called ten different stores and finally found some on 16th Mall. So Gab, Tae, Aubrey, and Maya will all wear the black party skirts. We are pretty excited to get this all done and taken care of before summer hits and before I have a ring:) Much love Mr. Bishop. 

ReplyDeleteSo glad you made it home safe. That is way scary. Ok...so I love the tutu idea!! The girls will be so darling. Keep us in the loop!