this post is a little late, but i have been more than a little busy. in the summertime we get to see a lot family, and this summer has been no exception. my parent's farewell, my best couzers wedding, in town guests, out of town guests, bbq's, smores, stadium of fire, and much more. i will update soon, but for now...look who is five months and counting...

nikson has seriously been the best baby ever. i find it difficult not to kiss him too much or to squeeze him too tight. love. he is all smiles and if he isn't smiling it's because i am putting dishes in the dishwasher instead of feeding him. i know, i know! i will get my priorities figured out.
He is pursing his lips just like his mama (with a little help of course)! Oh how I wish I could see you before we take off to Ohio!