26 March 2012

something delicious

i don't have much time to blog today.
i have a messy house on the mend.
this weekend did a number on the cottage.
so for your enjoyment i have selected a few recipes that our tummies have given two thumbs up.
i am trying to add more variety to the diet.
my selection of mostly pasta meals would prove otherwise.
the little downs brown rice pasta like nobody's business so naturally we give the boy what he wants.

you can find all these recipes on my well this just looks delicious pinboard.
happy monday friends.


  1. oohhhh man! I will totally be checking this pinboard out. I think I need some of that food in my life pronto!!

  2. I just had shrimp in my pasta for dinner....it was on a 1/2 price sale at the market! yum. By the way, do you know that you have word verification on?

  3. all those pastas look so good! i'm so hungry!

  4. Oh that shrimp has got me salivating. I"m going to follow all your yumminess on your pinboard:)
